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Some History

More than 20 years ago, Akil Quirindongo had a hobby that turned into a vision. During the online music-sharing boom of the early 2000s, he thought of a way to bring Caribbean music into the homes of people who were missing their islands. At the same time, he wondered if he could pull off other music genres as well. He could, and he did and RadioFruz was born in 2003. In the summer of 2004, the first website (radiofruz.com) was launched.

His creativity knew no bounds; as his listeners grew, so did his library, his network, and his vision. A true computer genius, he started making flyers and doing other advertisement. He realized that there was a real market, and he went for it. He made a social music network suited for anyone, but his fellow Curaçaoans especially appreciated a place of their own online. 

In 2011 after the brand “Radiofruz” met its goals as one of the most popular online radio stations for Ritmo Kombina, it was time for the next evolution and maturity in radio land and so Radiofruz was rebranded to Fruzitime Radio. In all honesty, we really needed something new to keep our sponsors happy 🙂 while still keeping the ” Fruzi thing”  as that always meant to do something that you like and totally go for it. 

Fruzitime Radio was the 1st online radio station which offered the possibility to request songs in real-time out of it’s ever growing and amazing music library. Online request was a game changer: No manual interference of DJ’s, just search for the song and hit the request button. With Fruzitime Radio, the group of DJs grew also larger as we added DJ Bryan and DJ Gibbs to the roster. Both very well-known DJs. Next to this, Fruzitime Radio also had many other guest DJ’s as part of its crew.

In 2018, Akil announced that he was (sort of) retiring after so many years of online broadcasting and DJ-ing. Although to close friends this was not a surprise, too many others, this was a total surprise as this Radio was part of their daily routines; their second home actually. Many have grown old listening to this station and have spent so many hours onine with Akil. 

Of course there were many other radio stations around but none could come close to the impact that Akil has made in his primetime. By the way, these are not emotions but facts. As many know till thsi day, it was never about the tracks that were played but it was about the specific live version that made everyone go crazy. ” Di unda b’a saka e ko’i swa” (where did you get that track,man”  was a very common statement made by the audience.

Caribbeanvibe is a place where you’ll feel at home, no matter where you are in the world.
Our mission is to immortalize ” Ritmo Kombina” and create beautiful moments while enjoying our daily playlist.

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